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Project Overview


SHIELD4CROWD establishes a baseline for European pre-commercial procurement and technical innovation to protect public spaces.

SHIELD4CROWD connects security practitioners across Europe to identify the common vulnerabilities posing risks to the protection of public spaces. Through an iterative process, the project will prioritise the pertinent challenges and threats, establishing the technology gaps and assessing the market ecosystem in each area. 

The outcome will be identifying the critical threat and preparing an environment that allows contributors to complete a future pre-commercial procurement

The action will involve a collection of security end users' needs, knowledge exchange between stakeholders, implementation of desk research and analysis, and conducting educational initiatives to support the preparatory activities for a pre-commercial procurement.

Main Goals

Aggregating public buyers
To consolidate the demand for innovative security technologies that address common security needs, including the shared chain of security processes.
To foster informed decision-making concerning the investment in innovative security technologies
Better understanding of the potential EU-based supply of technical solutions and visibility of the potential demand in the EU market for common security technologies.
Increasing the innovation capacity of EU public procurers
Improving access to consolidated practices, guidance and aligning the shared community requirements with market innovations. This is facilitated through common validation stages, rapid innovation, experimentation and pre-commercial procurement.
Aggregating public buyers
To consolidate the demand for innovative security technologies that address common security needs, including the shared chain of security processes.
To foster informed decision-making concerning the investment in innovative security technologies
Better understanding of the potential EU-based supply of technical solutions and visibility of the potential demand in the EU market for common security technologies.
Increasing the innovation capacity of EU public procurers
Improving access to consolidated practices, guidance and aligning the shared community requirements with market innovations. This is facilitated through common validation stages, rapid innovation, experimentation and pre-commercial procurement.


August 2023

Beginning of the SHIELD4CROWD project

7-8 September 2023

Workshop: Security Processes
Paris, France

10-12 October 2023

Workshop: Elaboration of 10 use cases
Rajecké Teplice, Slovakia

October 2023

Training: Shared Innovation Procurement

January 2024

Workshop: Refining into 3 Common use cases

May 2024

Workshop: Consolidating 1 Common use Case
Open Market Consultations
Warsaw, Poland

31 July 2024

End of the SHIELD4CROWD project

Target Groups

LEAs and Local Authorities
Public procurers and contracting authorities
Policy makers and Legislative authorities
Industry and Technology providers
Private security companies and managers
Soft target operators
Research institutes
Citizens and Society

Project Partners

Societe Nationale SNCF, France
DigInnov-Digital Innovation Consulting di Youssef Bouali, Italy
Polish Platform for Homeland Security, Poland
Ministry of Interior of Spain, Spain
Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, Slovakia
MUXLEY, France
The French Ministry of Interior, France
ISEMI – International Security and Emergency Management Institute, Slovakia
Corvers Procurement Services Bv, Netherlands
SHIELD4CROWD has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101121171
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SHIELD4CROWD has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101121171
SHIELD4CROWD has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101121171

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